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Talk about guilt.

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Talk about guilt. Empty Talk about guilt.

Post by Teddy Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:35 pm

Forgot to mention this, but on Tuesday, Steve was clearing out stuff from the shed etc so had the van doors open to put all the stuff for the skip in. Then we had to goo intio town for a spell and off we went. I mentioned that I hadn't seen Sophie all morning which was unusual, Steve said he saw her in the garden. Came back at tea-time, no Sophie, panic stations !!!! went outside and I herad her miaowing her little heart out, Steve had shut her in the van, I was not impressed with him, he got a rollicking for not checking and Sophie got a orw for goingg where she wasn't meant to. Laughing Glad to say she forgave us once she had a pee and was fed, poor thing. Rolling Eyes
Diamond Elite Cat
Diamond Elite Cat

Number of posts : 10805
Age : 111
Cat(s): : Moto & Sophie
Registration date : 2008-04-06

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Talk about guilt. Empty Re: Talk about guilt.

Post by Ian B Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:22 pm

Food is the great healer where cats are concerned Kath, they'll forgive almost anything for double helpings. What's the betting she'll do the same again given half a chance? Laughing

Ian B
Ian B
Diamond Elite Cat
Diamond Elite Cat

Number of posts : 9110
Age : 66
Cat(s): : Fudge, Bola, Buddy, Max........and several guests
Registration date : 2008-04-06

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Talk about guilt. Empty Re: Talk about guilt.

Post by Teddy Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:57 pm

Wouldn't be surprised Laughing I trhink it was a couple of years ago and Steve and I were off to work when we heard miaowing coming from the back of the van, yip little madam was in there, we had to about turn and take her home. Laughing
Diamond Elite Cat
Diamond Elite Cat

Number of posts : 10805
Age : 111
Cat(s): : Moto & Sophie
Registration date : 2008-04-06

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