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Cats sense of smell

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Cats sense of smell Empty Cats sense of smell

Post by Ian B Fri May 02, 2008 10:10 pm

Hi All,

Here's something that's puzzled me for years.

I got a bag of Bozita dry the last time I ordered food from zooplus, and my lot love it, but the smell of it knocks me sick each time I feed them some (thank god it's nearly empty) but why, if this, or any dry food for that matter, they all smell foul to me, smells so appealing to cats, does any food I eat also seem to smell good to them? Considering most cats are fussy eaters, this has long baffled me.

If it wasn't for the fact they love dry food, I wouldn't blame them for thinking mine smelled/tasted better.

Ian B
Ian B
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Cats sense of smell Empty Re: Cats sense of smell

Post by Teddy Fri May 02, 2008 10:33 pm

Cats sense of smell 72767 Cats sense of smell 72767 good question, the cheap stuff we get from CP is the most vile crapola you could smell and they DON'T LOOK AT IT, LOL, but even the sachets or tins smell soooooo bad, there could be something the manufactures add to it that cats are attracted too. All mine congregate in the kitchen when I am cooking so maybe in that case it's just a case of *hoping*. LOL
Diamond Elite Cat
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Cats sense of smell Empty Re: Cats sense of smell

Post by Ian B Sat May 03, 2008 10:22 am

Hi Kath,

I don't think wet food smells so bad, even the really 'cheap'n'nasty stuff, but dry food............. Cats sense of smell 878172

I couldn't get over just how much worse the Bozita dry smelled than the regular Go Cat I buy, it's stomach churning, but they love it. I don't know what they put in dry to make it so appealing to cats, it must be a concentrate of some kind, but why not make it smell like the flavour described on the box? If any manufacturer ever comes up with a wafer thin ham flavour dry food (and it smells like it) they'd corner the market Laughing


Last edited by Ian B on Sat May 03, 2008 11:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ian B
Ian B
Diamond Elite Cat
Diamond Elite Cat

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Cats sense of smell Empty Re: Cats sense of smell

Post by Teddy Sat May 03, 2008 8:19 pm

LOL or Bavarian ham, it's smoked so quite flavoursome. Moto would kill for it. LOL
Diamond Elite Cat
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Cats sense of smell Empty Re: Cats sense of smell

Post by pokbg Mon May 12, 2008 7:05 pm

lol! Here I haven't really noticed it too much... but I remember the dry food we used to get when I was a teenager for our kitties... it was rank!

Thing I really hate here is Felix wet food... the smell is horrible... but then again the babies are only eating Tescos own pouched food still so luckily I can avoid it! lol!

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