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Tips for getting rid of cat pee smell?

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Tips for getting rid of cat pee smell? Empty Tips for getting rid of cat pee smell?

Post by pokbg Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:14 pm

I'd like to know your best tips... as I cannot get rid of the smell...

BG had again wee'd on the floor. Not a problem, as we've put down lino over the carpet where her litter tray is. So... cleaned it all up (checked carpet underneath... all dry)... and the smell still lingers!

Since we changed to wood based litter, we haven't had any cat wee smells... and now it's here again! Yuck! It's probably the lino (no... I'm not gonna sniff it... lol!), I just used one of those universal cleaners... what's the best thing to clean it with?

Number of posts : 4533
Age : 46
Cat(s): : Pok m/4, BG f/2
Registration date : 2008-04-07

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Tips for getting rid of cat pee smell? Empty Re: Tips for getting rid of cat pee smell?

Post by maddymoo Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:18 pm

Hmmmmm, sounds like a job for google! LOL!

You could try washing the area with biological washing detergent/powder etc. as the enzymes in it may break it down?
Diamond Elite Cat
Diamond Elite Cat

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Tips for getting rid of cat pee smell? Empty Re: Tips for getting rid of cat pee smell?

Post by nicola Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:01 pm

Hmmmm i have heard that vinegar is good to get rid of cat pee smells but then you would have to put up with the smell of vinegar, lol


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Tips for getting rid of cat pee smell? Empty Re: Tips for getting rid of cat pee smell?

Post by Teddy Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:25 pm

Biological detergent and then surgical spirit. It could just be that you imagine the smell, I am convinced my house reeks of cat, but we had the family in yesterday and no-one mentioned it. And my mother is the type ( with a drink in) not the hold back, she would have said.
Diamond Elite Cat
Diamond Elite Cat

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Tips for getting rid of cat pee smell? Empty Re: Tips for getting rid of cat pee smell?

Post by Ali Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:35 pm

As Nicola said, vinegar is the best way of getting rid of cat wee smells. I used it on our carpets when Isis had her little 'accidents'.

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Tips for getting rid of cat pee smell? Empty Re: Tips for getting rid of cat pee smell?

Post by pokbg Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:55 pm

I'll go for the vinegar, and then surgical spirits afterwards (as hopefully that will get rid of the vinegar smell too! lol!)... but will have to go shopping for vinegar (it's one of those things we don't really use)...

And it does smell... oh yuck! Can't really feel it that much now... but first entering the catroom this morning it really hit me in the face... niiiiiice...

Number of posts : 4533
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Cat(s): : Pok m/4, BG f/2
Registration date : 2008-04-07

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Tips for getting rid of cat pee smell? Empty Re: Tips for getting rid of cat pee smell?

Post by maddymoo Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:45 pm

LOL! Loooooovely! Hmmm, when you go shopping, try getting one of those 'chefs candles' that apparently get rid of all kitchen smells... and if it works with some of the pongs from kitchens then a bit a cat pee must be a pushover! lol
Diamond Elite Cat
Diamond Elite Cat

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