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The not so great smell of............

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The not so great smell of............ Empty The not so great smell of............

Post by Ian B Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:02 pm pee hit me full in the face as I opened a cupboard door in the kitchen to get some food out for my lot earlier Twisted Evil

I'd noticed Fudge getting a bit agitated and sniffing near the spot, but never gave it a second thought as I hadn't noticed anything *wrong*. As the smell disappeared when the door was shut, I'm still trying to work out how it was done, I can't believe a cat could open a door, have a pee then shut the door when leaving confused

Either way, the kitchen now looks like a lorry load of oranges has exploded there with bits of peel stuck in virtually every place I could put it, so it's probably just as well I get so few visitors Laughing

Ian B
Ian B
Diamond Elite Cat
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Age : 66
Cat(s): : Fudge, Bola, Buddy, Max........and several guests
Registration date : 2008-04-06

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The not so great smell of............ Empty Re: The not so great smell of............

Post by Teddy Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:15 pm

dirty little low lifes, Laughing one (or more) is trying to establish it's territory, how they managed in a cupboard we can only guess, but I would say it's fairly recent if the smell was so strong.
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The not so great smell of............ Empty Re: The not so great smell of............

Post by Ian B Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:00 am

Hi Kath,

I'm in the cupboard a few times a day so it was very fresh. My #1 suspect was stripey tailed tom but I'm pretty sure it wasn't him and I can rule my two and Max out, that only leaves Jimmy and Dexter, both of whom I've caught spraying at times, and Bolas black friend from across the road, and my money is on him being the culprit.

Ian B
Ian B
Diamond Elite Cat
Diamond Elite Cat

Number of posts : 9110
Age : 66
Cat(s): : Fudge, Bola, Buddy, Max........and several guests
Registration date : 2008-04-06

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The not so great smell of............ Empty Re: The not so great smell of............

Post by Teddy Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:22 pm

I would be inclined to keep them out my house, nothing worse than the smell of cat pee and when it's not your own cats that's even worse.
Diamond Elite Cat
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The not so great smell of............ Empty Re: The not so great smell of............

Post by Ian B Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:01 am

Hi Kath,

Yeah, keeping them out would seem logical, but they're all used to coming in now it'd probably be a bit unfair to stop all of them for the sake of one. I'd have no qualms about barring the culprit tho', all I have to do is find which one it is.


I *think* I've solved the mystery, the doors on the unit in my kitchen are wood and have a plastic-type facia, but the door edges aren't covered. It's seems probable a cat peed against the doors, but as there's a biggish gap between them, some could easily have got thro' the gap and soaked into the wood.

Ian B
Ian B
Diamond Elite Cat
Diamond Elite Cat

Number of posts : 9110
Age : 66
Cat(s): : Fudge, Bola, Buddy, Max........and several guests
Registration date : 2008-04-06

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The not so great smell of............ Empty Re: The not so great smell of............

Post by lexlibris1299 Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:23 am

If they already have the bad habit, everything really mess up. You can train your pets to poo or pee outside your house. It starts when they are still kittens. But when it's not your own cats, that's worse. I would suggest to drag them away or you can give them left over foods away from your home.

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The not so great smell of............ Empty Re: The not so great smell of............

Post by Ian B Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:37 am

Hi lexlibris1299,

I know for a fact it's not my two cats, Fudge and Bola, and I'm almost as sure it's not Buddy, one of my visitors, even tho' he's yet to be neutered, I've never seen him spray anywhere. Of my neighbours three cats, who all visit daily, they have sprayed in the house but very rarely, so it could have been one of them. I also have one visitor who sprays everywhere outside, so it's not hard to imagine him being the guilty cat, but I don't think it was him either.

I obviously don't like this happening, but as long as it doesn't happen regularly I can live with it. The orange peel in the kitchen seems to have worked as it's not happened since.

Ian B
Ian B
Diamond Elite Cat
Diamond Elite Cat

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Age : 66
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The not so great smell of............ Empty Re: The not so great smell of............

Post by maddymoo Tue Dec 08, 2009 3:22 pm

Arrggghhhh Ian, kick em out! lol Wink Dirty little buggers (whichever ones the culprit). Now I know you mind them spraying occasionally but moments like a pee cuboard must get you down. I'm glad the orange peel has worked.... some kitchen cleaners have orange oil in them to cut through grease, I'm just wondering if this could have the same effect as the peel?
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The not so great smell of............ Empty Re: The not so great smell of............

Post by Ian B Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:54 pm

If it ever starts happening regularly Helen, they'll all be out on their ears, winter or not.

I'm not sure if cleaners with orange oil would work tbh, tho' it's no biggie as I have oranges, and now at this time of year, clems, etc every day, so I'll always have plenty of peel handy.

Ian B
Ian B
Diamond Elite Cat
Diamond Elite Cat

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Age : 66
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